Tuesday 19 March 2013

Elisa Strozyk

This beautiful work is by the amazing Elisa Stozyk! Her work is truly unreal and unique. She has created an unlikely kinship between textiles and wood. The relationship with these two materials is both mystifying and beautiful.  It also has a real geometric and abstract feel to it (which I LOVE). The versatility of her it work and uniqueness of her technique is inspiring and innovative. 

Love the dark wood used on this on and how the grain of the wood is quite prominent.

About Elisa Strozyk:
Elisa Strozyk combination of wood and textiles is truly mind blowing and believe it or not she was inspired by Britain's growing issue with waste. Stozyk's ideas started when she decided to tackle this problem of unused cut off of wood from workshops. As a textile designer Elisa Strozyk combined these medias by using fabric as a skin surface for these wooden cut offs. Her work is following a new trend of reducing environmental impact, however her work brings a new dimension and surprises.
   Elisa Stozyk's work intends to look at new ways in which wood can be used and Manipulated. It challenges the conventions quality's of wood such as its a hard physical properties but creating a fluid form when the wood is combined with fabric. This combination adds flexibility to the wood and strength to the material establishing a new innovative textile form. As it lays flat within a space or folds to the shape of the furniture, the wooden textiles show us a new direction and fresh vision.
    This use of experimentation to manipulate these materials blurs the lines of traditional textile. This fresh vision starts a new directions for textile, contesting the common presumptions we make about materials that often prohibits the exploration of their potential. Her work contains the elements that could drive future innovations in textile design such as being environmentally friendly and combining medias to give new qualities to them. A multi-dimensional play of hard and fluid, waste and new, flat and dimensional, Elisa Strozyk wooden textile opens the door to the future of textile design.


I want to experiment with her technique of combining medias with different structures. I  Start my experimentation by first cutting out triangle from cardboard and arranging these onto fabric. This will be an inexpensive was of trailing this new technique. If this is successful I will move onto experimenting with wooden shapes and maybe try other material such as plastic and ceramics. I will also experiment with different shapes of the hard material to create different effects and textures. Elisa Stozyk's use of waste products and concern for the environment is another thing which inspires me and something I would love to incorporate into my work.


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