Tuesday 19 March 2013


I am an Art Student from Manchester. I am currently doing my Art Foundation diploma and then going to university next year to study design craft/3D design. I have chosen to do my PCS on manipulation of materials. I want to experiment with materials such as paper, fabric and plastic. My aim is the create an 3D installation with a geometric feel to it however throughout my experimentation this idea may change or evolve. I am looking forward to experimenting with all these different materials and seeing how different ways of manipulation can change there appearance and structure so dramatically. I will be doing things such as pleating, folding, cutting and heating the materials. I will look at techniques such as origami in more detail and find out the different techniques and generous that are used within it. This project is 10 weeks long and will be exhibited at the end.

Time Plan;

Week 1 - Research into the different materials and what can be done to them

Week 2 - Experimentation with paper

Week 3 - Experimentation with Fabric

Week 4 - Experimentation with Plastic (hard and Soft)

Week 5 - Experimentation with other materials (such as wood)

Week 6 - designs for final outcome and visit exhibition area

Week 7 - Final design and model making

Week 8 - Start final outcome

Week 9 - Finish final outcome

Week 10 - Install final out come in exhibition area

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