Thursday 21 March 2013

Origami Tessellations

Now moving on to paper, there are many different ways of manipulation paper but not as many as fabric. Paper is a firmer material and harder to manipulate as its less flexible. I am starting with origami tessellations. This is done by only folding the paper which creates sharp, crisp edges and angles and usually make some great geometric effects. There are many different types of origami tessellations however them aren't all named as the different pleats and tucks are in textiles, so I will just be naming them by what shapes are created when folding.

1.Parallelogram Folding Page 4 image
Its is made up of many parallelogram folded in different directions to create this effect.

2. Paper folder Balls
These balls are made up of many folded circle all attached together to form a 3D ball

3. Triangle Folding
This is made up of many triangles folding in different directions like the parallelogram. Its is a very difficult one to make and I have so far not found any guides on how to make it.

4. Folded Square
This is a square which has had been folded into four triangles and been folded into zigzags. Below are the instruction on how to do this;

5.Trainge Folding 
This is another one using triangles folded in different directions, however this one cannot lay flat and is curved round. This used a grid which consists of diagonal line in both ways and line is either horizontal OR vertical.

6. Right angel Triangle Folding
This is created but folding rights angle triangles in opposite directions. I like the swirl created on this one.

There are many more different origami tessellations . I have found a great book 'Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form'  which has step by step guides on how to create different tessellations, most of the 3D as well which is what I want to look at.

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